At the peak of fires

Hundreds of countries each year suffer from megafires, most of which are triggered by humans. In Russia fire hazard period lasts over six months. In 2010 Moscow, for the first time in modern history, faced the consequences of megafires. Smoke in the city led to 10 thousands additional deaths. So far it is the most significant climatic disaster the Russian capital dealt with. Meanwhile, Siberian taiga burns every summer, and the risks of fire hazard conditions are constantly growing due to climate change. Climatologists suggest that 2020 may be one of the hottest years during the history of observations. At the round table discussion climatologists, doctors, biologists and firemen will discuss how we can live in this new reality, and can any forest fire become a mega fire. Are humans able to prevent the fires, or is it a time to adapt our cities to smoke?


Yulia Kuznetsova

PhD, researcher at the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, science journalist


Alexander Chernokulsky

Climatologist, PhD,senior researcher at Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, RAS

Ilia Goranov

Biologist, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

Григорий Куксин

Grigory Kuksin

Head of the fire department of Greenpeace Russia, one of the best peat fire specialists in the world. Fireman practice for about 20 years. In 2018, he entered the top ten best forest firefighters in Russia

Boris Revich

Russian scientist, expert in environmental epidemiology and environmental hygiene, head of the laboratory for predicting environmental quality and public health at the Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Time and registration

24 may 17:00-18:30 Moscow time
