“No more waste”

Russia has recognized the need for reform of the waste management system in 2018, and its implementation began in 2019. The reform goal is to increase percentage of recycled waste up to 60%. Meanwhile, the roadmap of the reform suggests an increase of waste, as well as the construction of incinerators. Will this solve the waste problem? What needs to be done to reduce the waste? We will discuss the reform with experts, officials and activists.


Alisa Nikulina

Coordinator of the Environmental program, Heinrich Boelle Foundation in Russia


Елена Вишнякова

Elena Vishnyakova

Director of Public Relations, EcoLine Group of Companies

Mariel Villella

Global Strategy Director, Zero Waste Europe

Pavel Rudakov

Samsung Electronics Waste Management Specialist

Time and registration

23 may 17:00–18:30 Moscow time
