Save a tree! Activism for green cities

In a pandemic and climate crisis, care for the health of citizens should come first, and urban green infrastructure should become a central theme for urban development. Why does this not happen, and we observe only mass pruning and cutting down of trees? Activists from different cities will share their experience of how they are fighting for the implementation of a systematic approach to urban green, and will discuss what citizens can do on their own right now.

Discussion moderator

Alexandra Nenko

Associate Professor, Institute of Design and Urban Studies, ITMO University, Head of Urban Life Quality Laboratory QULLAB


Maria Tinika

St. Petersburg, Petersburg Trees movement

Anna Alimpieva

Kaliningrad, movement “Alleys of the Kaliningrad Region”, project “Park Ring”

Anna Baltina

Yekaterinburg, movement “Parks and squares of Yekaterinburg”

Nadezhda Bagley

Perm, coordinator of the project “Soloviev Garden at the Winky River”

Anastasia Levasevich

Krasnoyarsk, project

Time and place of meeting

May 23, 10:30, Moscow time
