Blue Heart – the fight for Europe’s Last Wild Rivers (43 min., Bosnia, 2018)

Blue Heart is a documentary made by sustainable clothing brand Patagonia, directed by filmmaker Britton Caillouette.

Director: Britton Caillouette

43 min., Bosnia, 2018
Language: English
Subtitles: Russian

“No dams! No dams! No dams!” There’s so many major problems in the world right now, but if there’s any one thing we really hope you dedicate your time and money towards supporting, it’s this planet we all live on called Earth. Humans are doing irreparable damage to the land, water, and air, and one way we can make a difference is by speaking up and watching where & how we spend our money. 

Blue Heart is a documentary made by sustainable clothing brand Patagonia, directed by filmmaker Britton Caillouette. The 43-minute documentary tells the story of the last wild river system in Europe and the people fighting to protect it.

Blue Heart is one of those films that is not only engrossing and fascinating to watch, but also empowering and inspiring, a work of activism in its own right. This beautifully crafted film is worth your attention and time, and it’s available to watch on-demand now for those who are interested. Get a glimpse of Blue Heart below.